Thursday, December 4, 2008

Picture Perfect

It's funny to note how people react when you tell them their picture will be taken. They usually get nervous and self conscious. The reactions span from people putting on serious faces, taking off glasses, primping and preening their hair beforehand, and even displaying real live action poses haha. Many people ask to see the picture and want another one if they feel it doesn't put their best foot forward. In a way it shows how many people are very self conscious (we all are to an extent). It also shows how we are often our own worst critics (it's not as bad as you think, really). However, the importance we put on pictures also belies the fact that in our society, perception is very key when it comes to making a favorable impression on others.

When I had my picture taken today, I am sure it wasn't ideal. However, I never think of it being that big of a deal anymore. I know that if I flash my smile, it will be good enough to represent me.

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